August 2019 |
ORE recently, Derek (often called Pops” by his friends) went
on to participate in the construction of a Vans RV-7 kit that
had been purchased by his son, aerobatic champion and
SAA Training Captain, Nigel, in partnership with his aerobatic
colleague, Jason Beamish. Affectionately registered as ZU-
POP, the RV-7 is often seen in the skies and at ying events
Enamoured with the performance of the RV-series aircraft, Derek decided he
wanted one of his own. Together with son Nigel, they bought a partly completed
RV-8 kit. The somewhat better performance of the tandem-seat RV-8 was an
added attraction, so Derek embarked on an 18-month odyssey to build ZU-NDH,
so named using his and Nigel’s initials.
Derek notes that building the RV-8 was more challenging than the RV-7 as the
narrower fuselage made it considerably more difcult to get inside to do much of
the work. Most of the building was done in a carport adjoining his house in Pretoria,
before it was trailered to Eagles Creek airport for nal assembly.
I was privileged to attend the rst ight of the nal masterpiece at Eagles Creek.
After some last-minute tweaks, NDH was started, the engine fully run-up, a quick
taxi test done, and with aerobatic smoke system turned on, took to the air for the
very rst time.
There is an excitement and satisfaction to successfully ying your very own
creation, the product of many hours of hard work, frustration and swearing that
Derek Hopkins typies the
passionate aviator who has
the skills and drive to build
and y his own aircraft.
Originally a railway engineer,
Derek became enamoured
with aviation, scratch-built
a Teenie-Two VW-powered
aircraft in a bedroom of
his house and went on to
become something of a
legend, both in commercial
and private aviation.
Nigel and Derek collect the part-built RV-8 kit. | August 2019
those who are mere purchasers of aircraft
cannot even begin to understand.
The new engine needed running in,
so the rst ight took over an hour, with
the throttle wide open. After all systems
checked out, Derek couldn’t resist a few rolls
to check out his new toy’s aerobatic abilities.
Nigel then took the beast for up for some
more testing.
After landing, Derek’s smile was so
wide, many of us worried that the top of his
head may fall off!
We wish Derek and Nigel many hours of
pleasure from their creation.
There are basically four kinds of aircraft
First, like the Wright Brothers, there
are those who build their own designs
from scratch. This is the most arduous
path to follow. Not only must every part be
fabricated, but a new design must usually go
through many iterations, tests and failures
before it can be considered successful, if
ever. This is truly the experimental route, but
is where ingenuity and new concepts enter
Second, there are those who scratch
build an aircraft from plans. This is a much
safer and coherent approach, since the
aircraft design is usually well-tested and
there is already a community of builders
whose experience and advice are available.
The third and most popular option is
the now-ubiquitous kit aircraft. Today’s
kits dramatically reduce the time, effort
and skills required to successfully build a
ying aircraft. Most kits have much of the
fabrication done, and in the case of the
RVs, all holes are pre-punched and almost
all the parts required, aside from paint, are
available from the kit manufacturer. This is
the speediest way to build your own aircraft
and since there is a great deal of uniformity
the effort required to build it is well known, in
addition to there being support from the kit
Fourth, there are the factory assisted’
builds offered by many kit manufacturers.
However, it is more popular now to have a
business build your aircraft for you. Such
‘production-built aircraft are permitted in
South Africa under current regulations and
so-called ‘chequebook builders’ benet from
having quality aircraft built by experienced
organisations. However, the cost is little
different to fully certied aircraft and usually
higher than acquiring a good used type-
certied aircraft.
The regulatory structure relevant to
non type-certied aircraft (NTCA) has
ballooned since the days of the old CAA
LS/1 document which governed NTCA.
Today’s NTCA regulations eclipse those
applicable to certied aircraft in complexity
– and in degree of confusion. Most of these
regulations were motivated by industry
players, production aircraft builders,
maintainers, ‘governing bodies’, ‘inspectors’
and other entities seeking to prot from
the popularity of this sector of the aviation
Little notice has been taken of the needs
of the grass-roots aspirant aircraft owner and
considerable effort has gone into creating
regulations that not only benet CAA and
its ofcials and cronies, but also make the
entire prospect of aircraft ownership less
attractive to the consumer.
Although the original idea and regulations
were designed to accommodate those who
wish to build and maintain an aircraft at their
own risk, regulatory structures were built on
the premise that homebuilders needed to be
protected from themselves. This resulted in
Aero Club developing its ‘Approved Person’
(AP) scheme in which APs would inspect
and sign off a NTCA for a fee. This evolved
to include insurance to cover APs and
aircraft owners ‘for their own good’.
More than a decade ago, an
organisation named the Recreation Aviation
Administration of SA (RAASA) was formed
by CAA and Aero Club for reasons which
are both inscrutable and suspicious. Its
existence was contrary to many statutory
laws, it may have been a ruse to launder CAA
funds and added another layer of complexity
and cost to an already unwieldy heap of
purposeless regulations. Nevertheless,
RAASA survived for a considerable time
on the basis of claiming that they provided
better service than that provided by CAA.
RAASA was closed down at the end of
March this year by CAA which has taken
over its functions. AOPA South Africa has
been carefully watching this development for
the past few months. It is to be expected
that there would be a few glitches during the
transition and things seem to be foundering.
Nobody seems to know what is going on and
the AP scheme has collapsed.
Recently CAA held an AP workshop
meeting attended by AOPA and other parties
in which it was proposed that an AP panel will
be established to appoint APs and delineate
Derek at work on the RV-8 in his front yard.
August 2019 |
their functions. The concept is that this will
be a fair and consultative committee much
along the lines of CARCom. It was pointed
out that some APs were now inspecting and
signing out as many as six aircraft a day,
making a tidy prot.
Although the idea seems positive, AOPA
has misgivings that it will devolve into the
same farce that CARCom has become,
where interested and affected parties are
forcibly excluded from such consultations
and rules are applied and regulations
promulgated despite the committee’s
recommendations. For example, CARCom
chairperson Mmanare Mamabolo last year
openly stated that proposed regulations
regarding unlicensed airelds would be
recommended for promulgation by the
Minister despite unanimous opposition from
adversely affected parties. She further
went on to say that the Minister will sign
everything we send to him”.
With this arrogance and the dubious
structure of such a panel, we fear things
could go the same way for the APs.
On another note, many of you
may have heard of some of the
bizarre requirements CAA is now
enforcing regarding aviation medicals.
Many pilots with marginal hearing, monocular
vision, missing limbs and other disabilities,
who have been safely ying on existing
protocols, are now being required to submit
(at great expense) to specialist procedures to
prove the cause of their particular disability.
The fact that pilots are able to pass ight
tests which show that their disabilities do not
affect their ying abilities is unacceptable to
CAA’s medical department. CAA medics
are insisting on hugely expensive tests. For
example, a 200-hour commercial pilot who
has never own anything more complex than
a Cessna 182 would be required by CAA to
perform a hearing test in Comairs Boeing
737 simulator, overseen by a CAA doctor
(who has no ying experience), at a cost of
around R15 000.
In a terrifyingly totalitarian move, CAA
has now threatened designated aviation
medical examiners (DAMEs) that should
they deign to speak out against these
oppressive measures or disparage any
other DAME, they will be relieved of their
DAME accreditation.
Another area where CAA is out of touch
with reality is where it is requiring freelance
commercial pilots to do their renewals on
actual aircraft, even though simulators are
available and have always been permitted.
For example, it is unacceptable for a King
Air pilot to do a renewal on a simulator
unless it is a ‘full movement’ simulator. This
is causing consternation among operators
of such aircraft, since pilots are unable to
maintain currency and are dropping out of
the local industry.
AOPA South Africa is an independent
association of aircraft owners and pilots
whose purpose is to promote and protect
general aviation in South Africa. As
such, AOPA provides a protective buffer
between vulnerable aviation enthusiasts
and professionals against an often bullying
CAA and also regularly takes steps to set
aside decisions or regulations which are
detrimental to your legitimate pursuits.
Join AOPA today to obtain such
protection. Enquiries to
Joyous arm waving after a successful maiden ight.
hugs from son
Nigel and Wife